Monday, April 30, 2012

Five of us from the Leadership Team for the Vulnerable Children's Ministry at Willow Creek will be attending the Chrisitan Alliance for Orphans Summit in So. California.   Please pray for us as we seek God's guidence for our ministry.  Pray also that our hearts would be drawn closer to God himself, and our spirits and passions would be renewed so that we can serve the fatherless with excellence.  Below are additional prayer requests for Jedd Medefind, President of the Christian Alliance for Orphans.

Please pray...

  • That God would prepare each person coming both to give and to receive much at Summit.
  • That the countless details and the myriad volunteers, speakers, exhibitors, and attendees would all come together smoothly.
  • That seeds sown and cultivated at Summit would bear much good fruit—for the fatherless, the Church and God’s glory for decades to come.

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