Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Red Card

More than 1.2 billion children around the world grow up without hope and basic necessities. This large group is normally untouched by the message of God's love and compassion.

What can we do?

Red Card: Standing Against Oppression, Providing Hope is a dynamic, new family class on children at risk. Our goal is to help families understand God's heart, the biblical mandate to respond, and how they can work together to provide hope and help. We believe that Red Card will build awareness, unite families in a common cause, and make a difference in the lives of children at risk.

What's in a Name?

Fans of soccer (called football outside the USA) know that when a player commits a serious infraction of the rules, such as a flagrant foul, the referee will hold up a red card to indicate that the player is expelled from the game. Go to YouTube and type in "red card" for some visual examples.

Kids at risk around the world need referees like us to be a voice for them, to call a halt to their unacceptable situations. So in effect we are stepping in to issue a red card. Together, let's hold up the red card against the oppression of children and begin to offer help and hope to children at risk.

Program Description:

Red Card is an 8-week family class. Lessons raise awareness of children at risk, provide a biblical view of God's heart for these children, challenge believers to pray for them, and offer practical steps for involvement. The material is designed to provide eight 75-minute lessons for use in churches.

The unique feature of the curriculum is our target audience... families. We want to encourage and empower children to become advocates for the largest unreached group in the world - their own peers. Lessons will allow parents and children (4th grade and up) to learn, process, pray, and take practical steps together.

Each 75-minute lesson is interactive and uses hands-on experiences that allow participants to have impact learning, followed by family activities during the week. Although the material is designed for use in churches, it may also be used in house churches and to train short-term teams going to minister to children at risk.
For more information and to get involved, please visit http://www.redcardkids.org/

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