Thursday, May 26, 2011

Red Card Kids Curriculum for Families

The Red Card Kids ministry works to advocate for children at risk by creating curriculum for churches and families to use in order to better educate themselves and others to the needs of these children.

Check out this video at for more information about Red Card Kids curriculum.

* The program is not a “self-serving” program to advance its own specific agenda. Instead it encourages families to find a way to participate in one or more concrete ways using an ever-growing list of projects sponsored specifically by other missions.

* The target audience of the curriculum – families. We want to encourage and empower children to become advocates for the largest unreached group in the world – their own peers – children at risk.

* The lessons and activities are highly interactive and interesting for all participating.

* By having parents participate in meaningful activities with their children, we build family unity.

* By engaging children at a young age to recognize they do not have to be an adult to make a significant contribution, they will develop lifelong habits of praying, interceding, and contributing in a variety of ways.

* It extends beyond the classroom to the home and neighborhood.

* There are significant opportunities for involvement, including the suggestion to explore how your church is already involved with children at risk.

* The final beneficiary will be the 1.2 billion kids who need our help.

* The appeal of “a course in a box” makes it easy for a church to sponsor the program and reduce the preparation time for the teacher, thereby significantly increasing the appeal and usage of the program. Everything needed for promotion, preparation, and presentation of the curriculum is included on the CD/DVD set.

* Promotional materials are customizable by the church to include their name, logo, and contact information.

For more information visit

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