Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Laptops for Nicaragua

Below is a message I received from Dick Anderson, the Executive Director of OrphaNetwork. OrphaNetwork serves orphaned and vulnerable children in Nicaragua. For more information you can visit their web site at www.orphanetwork.org or e-mail Dick Anderson at dick.anderson@orphanetwork.org.

Here's Dick's message:

"On my last visit to Nicaragua, we launched an Internet cafe in Nueva Vida (refugee camp created from Hurricane Mitch in 1998) at Pastor Berman's church. Thanks to a corporation that replaces the laptop computers of their top officers and leaders every two years, we were able to obtain 8 wonderful laptops which will serve the children in this community that previously had no internet access. The educational opportunities that this provides our children are tremendous. Pastor Berman is also drawing up business plans to open up an internet cafe to the community which would create profits to support the children.

If you have access or know of anyone who is replacing their laptops (easier to carry in our bags than desk tops) and would like to find a good use for them, please have them contact me. If they are in good condition but just an older model, we will be able to put them in play to help our children. We are small without any tech staff, so they must be in working condition. This next group will be allocated to our orphanage at El Canyon where we have almost 40 children and no computers.

Any help you can provide would be very much appreciated. Thanks so much for the interest in the children we serve in Nicaragua."

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